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1 little and mighty tip to make your basil produce more


Basil is by far the most popular herb being grown in the Smart Herb Garden. And for a reason! It's looks sexy, it smells delicious and it's incredibly versatile. The heck, you can even make beer out of it! But there is one little yet mighty tip that's gonna make your basil even more handsome and make it produce a whole lot more.


Trim your basil, leaving 2 pairs of leaves on each stem. And do it on a regular basis. And that's it! Don't ever just pick some leaves off - you'll leave your basil long and naked. Not the prettiest view. So just go full-in with the scissors. Basil is magic - where you cut one stem off, two new ones will grow back in place (if you don't cut off too much, of course). Kind of like the dragons from our childhood's fairytales. What to do with the cut parts? Use them!


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