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Belay yo-ho-ho keelhaul squiffy black

Prow scuttle parrel provost Sail ho shrouds spirits boom mizzenmast yardarm. Pinnace holystone mizzenmast quarter crow's nest nipperkin grog yardarm hempen halter furl. Swab barque interloper chantey doubloon starboard grog black jack gangway rutters.


Your guide to plants, recipes and much more

  • What is this peculiar thing that we call the Click & Grow World map? The answer is simple. It's a map of modern gardeners around the world!

    The interactive map itself can be found HERE

    The Click & Grow World
    Fun Stuff News

    The Click & Grow World


    Stevia or "Sugar Leaf" might not be the poshest representative of the plant kingdom - no bright flowers or coloured leaves, but this plant has some inner qualities that once tried are hard to forget.

    Sugar Leaf - The Natural Sweetener
    Cool stuff

    Sugar Leaf - The Natural Sweetener


    Stevia or "Sugar Leaf" might not be the poshest representative of the plant kingdom - no bright flowers or coloured leaves, but this plant has some inner qualities that once tried are hard to forget.

    Sugar Leaf - The Natural Sweetener
    Gardening and plants Plants

    Sugar Leaf - The Natural Sweetener

  • Winter has arrived unexpectedly, as usual. In most places around the world it means that plants need much more care than normally. During winter, the most complicated issue for plants is lack of light.

    What’s interesting is that people understand the necessity of light differently. A lot of our customers from Brazil complain that they don't have enough light there while customers from Norway confirm they have more light than necessary to grow their plants. We should bear in mind that plants feel light in their own way, not the way we do. How could we know, whether our plant has light enough for sprouting and growing? 

    Here are some pictures of our customers’ plants and you can clearly see that the plants bend towards the light, desperately searching for it, stretching and suffering from the light stress: 

    Light, light, light!
    Click & Grow tips'n'tricks Gardening and plants

    Light, light, light!

  • Winter has arrived unexpectedly, as usual. In most places around the world it means that plants need much more care than normally. During winter, the most complicated issue for plants is lack of light.

    What’s interesting is that people understand the necessity of light differently. A lot of our customers from Brazil complain that they don't have enough light there while customers from Norway confirm they have more light than necessary to grow their plants. We should bear in mind that plants feel light in their own way, not the way we do. How could we know, whether our plant has light enough for sprouting and growing? 

    Here are some pictures of our customers’ plants and you can clearly see that the plants bend towards the light, desperately searching for it, stretching and suffering from the light stress: 

    Light, light, light!
    Tips and Tricks

    Light, light, light!

  • Just about this time 3 years ago a company called Click & Grow was founded. The founder, Mattias Lepp, had a grand vision - to change the way how plants are grown around the world. As the story of how the idea behind Click & Grow was formed is actually quite peculiar itself, lets take a look back..

    Click & Grow smartpot

    Happy birthday Click & Grow!

    Happy birthday Click & Grow!

  • Just about this time 3 years ago a company called Click & Grow was founded. The founder, Mattias Lepp, had a grand vision - to change the way how plants are grown around the world. As the story of how the idea behind Click & Grow was formed is actually quite peculiar itself, lets take a look back..

    Click & Grow smartpot

    Happy birthday Click & Grow!
    Click & Grow news Indoor gardens

    Happy birthday Click & Grow!

  • As someone with a track record of being able to kill a cactus, I was obviously the perfect choice to test out the Click & Crow’s new smart gardens, although I call them pots. No pun intended. So basically, if those poor plants survive me, the company could sell these pots to… well, pretty much to everyone. You could buy the pot for your daughter and let her imaginary friend take care of it.



    Ambassador Ardi - someone with a track record of being able to kill a cactus!
    Cool stuff

    Ambassador Ardi - someone with a track record of being able to kill a cactus!

  • As someone with a track record of being able to kill a cactus, I was obviously the perfect choice to test out the Click & Crow’s new smart gardens, although I call them pots. No pun intended. So basically, if those poor plants survive me, the company could sell these pots to… well, pretty much to everyone. You could buy the pot for your daughter and let her imaginary friend take care of it.



    Ambassador Ardi - someone with a track record of being able to kill a cactus!
    Fun Stuff Indoor gardens

    Ambassador Ardi - someone with a track record of being able to kill a cactus!